Ellllo, I'm back.
There's alot to blog about, but i dont know where to start.
umm, okeh lets start from Last Thursday. I HAD MY BALLET EXAM!!
ahh, im so happy im done. I think the examiner likes me. Just saying! HAHA
Her name's Ms Sterling. She's so kind! I mean like, if you forget your steps she'll
tell you what to do.. or ask the pianist to play slower for you if you can't catchup :)
Distinction? :( , i hope. or atleast a Merit lah hehe.
Okay, em.. then I skipped Friday's class to go to Nikki and Nicole's house for
a project together with Annycia and Shaila. Hahaha, it was quite fun. Twins grandfather fetched us to Tesco nearby
to buy the ingredients and stuff. then we went back and cook!
no im serious, COOK WOI
I suck at cooking! Honestly, i don't even know how to fry an egg -.-
The first time i tried, i forgot to put the oil!!! Hahhahaa fail much
Okok, soooo. Pictures! Just a little only la :/ I look damn ugly sooo

Cannot see Shaila and Nikkis face :/

(Actually that was the only thing i did :/ with Shaila. ooh and the
bread crumbs! DAMN LAME!! we waited for like sooo long
and nothing happened. Then i checked the switch, guess what.
It wasnt even on! HAHAHA)
It wasnt even on! HAHAHA)

Tesco .

Seriously, its damn yummy. Thanks to Annycia and Nicole.
And Nikki for the Mash Potatoes :)

The Salad. By Annycia and Nicole also. LMAO
there were pancakes too! But i dont think i have the pic.
I'm so hungry right now. :'(
this is actually just a try-out for a cooking project on Thursday onlyyy :)
It's my brother.
Anyway, wanna know a secret :$
NEHHH, too embarrasing!
Okay i gtg do my Geo latihan now. sigh. byebye!
mehhhhh, will update soon . sewiouslyyyy! :D
Paramore - Oh Star
Dear Iman

Happy birthday, eeeeman :)
Love you banyak banyak hotstuff.
If I die young
If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song .
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song .
Hello! i am soooo sleepy right now. Didnt really sleep last night. Stayed up watching The Powerpuff Girls and talking to my brother. hmm :/ Anyway, MY FACE ITCHES LIKE CRAP. My skin is peeeeling! omfffff. Seriously man. I think im allergic to the skincare my mom bought me. ARG. It looks like i just got sunburnt -.- weeeeaally!
If i diee young, bury me in satinnn.. Hahahaha! sorry. im in love with that song wight now (A)
I want it played during my funeral! HEHE. Got addicted to this game too! Its called iSketch. Damn fun! Played it with Xin and Joanna till like 3 in the morning. cwazy. (i think my brother is secretly playing it too hehehee)
Ughhhh seriously damn tired. I feel like im gonna fall down and k.o. anytime. Im not gonna sleep now cause if i do i dont think i'll be able to sleep tonight. sooooooo, I'm gonna go make a milo and go find a movie to watch =D
:O oh no valerie's here.

Currently watching the music video of Airplanes (B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams)
ooohh Hayley! she's so cute!
I think she's wearing that BNE shirt in d vid :O
Cant wait to see her in October.
And i think my dog just farted. It stinks
So whos going for Paramore?!?! Cause I know I AM!
Went to Rock Corner OU today and got myself Paramore tickets babey!
OMGOSH, I CAN'T WAIT!!!! the sad thing is, Its during our finals wtfish
but WHO CARES. I'm sooooo going for Paramore! hmphhh
One time
(W); Hazel says:
*lemme tell u 1 time. uhuh uhuh (Justin bieber's - One Time)
*lemme tell u 1 time. uhuh uhuh (Justin bieber's - One Time)
wernxin ♥ says:
*why not 2 times?
wernxin ♥ says:
*why not 2 times?
(W); Hazel says:
(W); Hazel says:
funny best friend :p